Saturday, January 30, 2010

First sentence from the book "Twenties Girl" by Sophie Kinsella

The thing about lying to your parents is, you have to do it to protect them.

I made a several lies to my parents, sometimes I just do it for the sake of protecting them. When I told them I am going out to do thesis but find myself watching a new movie on the mall, I just did that to spare them from high blood pressure.

Well, for the record, I do not lie much to them. Just in times of emergency. Like during my friend's birthday, of course I say it would be all eating-and-talking party, I didn't actually lie, I just excluded the "drinking" part. Well, it's just occasional and we didn't have to pass on this event since it was a birthday party after all.
First sentence from "Families: Labor and Love" by Maureen Baker

Think of the last time you watched a television documentary or read news item in a magazine or newspaper.

News in it always portray a familiar story of death, corruption, and deceit. Where have all the good news gone? From the audacious politicians to the insatiable business men, news deliver the same story--bad news.

In television, relevant programs air in time when people already sleep. Teleseryes air in primetime with the same concept--love, betrayal, death, rage.

What happened?

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Instructions: Open a book, write the first sentence that you see and then translate it to another story.

First sentence from the book: Twilight by Stephanie Meyer

When the school day had finally ended, I walked to the parking lot without enthusiasm.

The day ended bad. Aside from the dull class discussions, no body noticed my new earrings. The tremendous size of these earrings made me reluctant. A figure of a big turtle dangles at my ears as I move my face. I chose turtles because Edward goes gaga for it. Poor turtles.
"It's better to impale them with my fangs than to suck human blood", Edward says in defense for his bizarre cravings.

After wearing these horrid things, I got nothing from him. Maybe turtles entice him no more.

Later that day in the parking lot, Edward sits at the corner beside my truck. He stares at the wall fully engrossed. Then he jostles himself against the wall, clutching a small creature in his hand. At first, I thought he practices his vampire techniques, I guess it wrong. He loosens his grip as he opens his mouth to devour it. Later on I found out it is a cockroach.

He craves for them.

Now I know what to buy next.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Cocoas Gone?

Instructions: Open a book, write the first sentence that you see and then translate it to another story.

First sentence from the book: Charlie and the Great Glass Elevator by Roald Dahl

No body moved except Mr. Wonka who kept saying "ssssh! ssshhhh!"

Mr. Wonka being too reserved surprised everybody. He spent the whole afternoon locked inside his room contemplating about the factory's needless expenses. The need for cutting down the blue chocolate occurred to him when 3 kids turned blue after the intake. "Something must be lacking.", he analyzed.

"Can be because of the cocoa." He muttered. After mustering his thoughts, he jolts out of his reverie saying "Ahah!The Umpaloompahs!! ".

Umpaloompahs made it all! Apparently, the small, cranky creatures stole some of the cocoas and took it to the Umpahland. The squandered ingredients caused the factory's massive revenue lost. Exasperated, Mr. Wonka knows the next step, "I never loved the Umpaloompahs anyway", he confesses.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Eight Dwarf

Instructions: Open a book, write the first sentence that you see and then translate it to another story.

First sentence from "Read it yourself: Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs" by Fran Hunia

The seven dwarfs go off into the forest to work and Snow White works in the house all day.

It was a little late when Grumpy woke up this morning that is why he was not able to join the Seven Dwarfs singing "Hay Ho" on the way to work. Apparently, he spent the whole night reprimanding Dopey regarding the milk the poor kid had splattered over the kitchen floor last night.

Later that morning, Snow was on her way out of the house carrying a basket of dirty clothes when suddenly, a queer-looking gentleman jostles her into the laundry area. He doesn't look much like my prince charming, Snow murmured. He was indeed, far from being the prince charming. He has a very short stature, has a long, silver hair, and a familiar cone-shaped hat.

Finally, the man revealed himself. His name is Scary and he is in fact, the long lost brother of the seven dwarfs. Snow White went agog. All these years the tale has been referred to as Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs while in fact, it should be eight.

Artist Date

On my artist date, I have decided to do something new TO ME. It might be very common to other people, but to me, trust me, this is entirely NEW.

I did my entire Homework at school using the Gokongwei computer alone, without my friends. Most of the time, when I am at school, i would just end up sitting in SJ, mango juice at my hand and tuna sandwich at my other hand while looking at the busy people walking along the hallway. Or sometimes, I would just sit and talk with my friends gabbling about random stuffs without realizing that the sun has already hibernated and it's time to go home.

Today, I did my homework at school and finished it on time!!! That's something new to me, and my friends would rather attest to that. A good way to start a very productive week, i think.

Monday, January 25, 2010

Things that dont go together

These are my list of things that shouldn't be together:

1. La Salle and Ateneo- they're rivals of course
2. My crush and his girlfriend- they don't look good together (bitter much?)
3. friendster and facebook
4. Valentine's day and single people
5. Quiapo church and its location (full of vendors selling pampalaglag)
6. Erap and the presidency- COMELEC must be out their mind when they allow him to file a candidacy
7. Carlo J. Caparas and the National Artist Award- They just don't go together.
8. Manny Villar and Mahirap- This man is extremely rich, I just don't care about his autobiography, all i know is that he is filthy rich.
9. Some Nursery rhymes and Kids- try to look at the lyrics of "Rock a bye baby", "Humpy Dumpy", "Jack and Jill" and see what I mean. :p

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Things that should be big

Do you ever feel puzzled on why some things are presented in small packages? That's what I always feel while eating my favorite food, typing on my laptop, walking in SJ walk, or even riding the train!

Why? I will take you to the world of small things. If given a chance to alter history, I would influence its inventors to build the object with the same purpose, only with a bigger size!

1. Burger Mcdo
I love fastfoods but the same as my desire to avoid it, my cravings for its food just lead me far from abstinence. Burgers, I love burgers. I always wish for a time machine to go back to time when Hamburgers are still on the process of being invented. Its inventor could have used a pizza crust instead of an ordinary bun. By that, you can share burgers with everyone.

2. Laptop
I wish my laptop is bigger. I am not blaming ACER for inventing a handy-dandy notebook laptop. Maybe i should blame my parents for buying me a small one? right? No? I guess NO. I used to love small things but why should I limit myself in small packages when I can have a whole lot more in bigger-size varieties!! Oh I love utilitarianism.

3. SJ walk
SJ walk should be wider and bigger. SJ walk is like a Starbucks coffee shop with no vacant seats. Sometimes students would stay there for the whole day as if they have rented it for an overnight stay. Some are even territorial, it's like they have imprinted their royal badges under its tables and anyone sitting there who doesn't belong in the circle should be subjected to a firing squad. Where is equality there? If SJ walk would be as big as the soccer field, a lot of students would be happy "spotting" their crushes. Then it wouldn't be called SJ walk.. it could be SJ Field!!!

4. Keys
Keys should be bigger. Just imagine how many keys i have misplaced in my entire existence!! I don't blame myself for that, I blame the keys! Why on earth would they be very small knowing the fact that they are bloody important!!! Yeah, I know, that's the lamest excuse that you have heard coming from a careless person. Why blame the keys? They are just bunch of abiotic objects :|

5. Medals
I have received medals in my whole academic years, and the moment you receive those is a total bliss. But medals have been so overlooked. Anywhere you can find someone doing a replica of it. Where's the sense of achievement when you can buy something that other people have worked hard for? Besides, medals are like over-sized coins, not much appealing to the eyes. If i can make it bigger the same with the size of a plate, everyone would be delighted. You can vividly see and feel the weight of the fruits of thy labor.

6. President
OK, you can call me sarcastic. Well, it's my blog anyway. Kidding aside, i think the president should be of a tall stature. It gives him/her the sense of authority. Here in the Philippines there is a famous action (which is not yet sanctioned into a formal quotation), if you can't beat them, just insult them. Well, if a president has a taller stature, she could have spared herself from the numerous textjokes pertaining to her height. Well, ok. I have to admit it, the bottomline of this number is to say how much I am excited to see her step down from her beloved throne. That's why let us all guard our ballots!(OK, enough of the politics)

Things that give a clean feeling

I want it when things around me are clean. Who wouldn't?
Sometimes, things that make me feel clean are not clean at all.. That's weird. Now, let me take you to these weird things and explore the cleanliness within.

Things that give me a clean feeling:

1. Aircon
I really do not know why, but the feeling of being cold makes me feel clean. Maybe because I just associate aircon with hospitals. It's a weird comparison but I couldn't really explain why they both go together for me.

2. Pear Earrings (for girls)
By now you will see that i have a thing for pearl earrings. They make me feel so clean. every time i see someone wearing one, i think they are so organized.

3. Alcohol
Of course i am referring to the non-edible one. The smell of an alcohol rejuvenates my senses. And aside from that, I feel so disinfected every time i rub myself with it.

4. Foot scrub
I love feet. If i have something in my body that I really love, that would be my feet. I haven't reached my goal on having the perfect feet that's why i keep on buying certain stuffs just to make my feet look terrific! For me, the greatest indicator of a person's cleanliness is through feet. It is the body part which prone to any dirt and the hardest to maintain.. having been able to keep it spotless is a divine talent! haha

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Things that make my heart beat faster

I am a nervous type of person. When circumstances permit it, I usually end up feeling nauseated in just simple and random things that some people find to be very normal. I think most of the students at my age would be identified with these experiences.

Top 4 things that make my heart beat faster:

1.) UAAP Ateneo-La Salle Game
Well, who wouldn't? I have nothing against Green Archers but as I saw from the previous years, La Salle has been good in playing in the first 2 quarters, but in the 3rd and succeeding quarters, they always fail to win. It's just a matter of 2 point lead from the opponent, yet, when the buzzer strikes time out everyone feels squeamish hoping for a 3 point shot. In lucky times, La Salle would manage to sustain the fight to extend for an overtime (thanks to Casio's famous 3 point shot), but the same epic fail story: The Eagles would soar higher. Oh well, at least the game is so much exciting that we couldn't believe we have lost.

2.)When a professor is picking an index card, and I would pray to all saints and gods hoping that it wasn't me
If you are asking for a list of slow and painful deaths, this one would really make it to the top 5. Every time the professor shuffles the index cards, my heart always pumps gazillion times. And when the professor slowly utters my name, I almost have a cardiac arrest. I love surprises, but this one would be an exemption. I don't know if it's my fate or destiny thing but every time my professor picks up my name from the numerous collection, the question asked of me is the hardest one. Talking about bad luck.

3.) When playing bingo
I love playing this game, but the more I am inclined in loving this game, the more I realize how unlucky I am. I never won a single game out of the 15 trials that I have had. When everyone's waiting for just 1 or 2 numbers to win, I still need around 10 numbers to form a bingo. And everytime I feel that it is my time to win, my heart just beat so fast only to find out that someone else wins.

4.) When seeing my crush
I hate seeing my crush. Aside from the blatant effects that my crush gives to me, I always feel nervous every time i see my crush. My heart just beats a thousand times and I couldn't help it!!! I have gone through a lot of breathing exercises and eat-bananas-to-regulate-heartbeat stuff but I couldn't get that blush away from my face. Ironic as it may seem, I really hate to see my crush.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

My list of Elegant things

I am just a simple person, materialistic at times, but certainly an admirer of simplicity. Though, even simple people believe in elegant things. Here is my list of elegant things:

1. A full moon above a deep ocean wherein you can see its vivid reflection.
For me, this one is really elegant. I always have a very peculiar feeling every time I see this kind of sight. I do not know if it has something to do with the "moon's gravitational pull" thing but this scene gives me momentary goosebumps.

2. An Audi car.
In connection to my prior comment about me being "simple", well, i guess there is always something that would be exempted from the rule. I really love this car. If given a chance to be in an action film, I would choose this car to be chased by the goons and I would be drifting the wheels to avoid bullets coming from my enemies. Oh well, talking about day-dreaming. haha

3. Pearl Earrings.
They said wearing one would be bad luck for single ladies, this would only make their love life miserable. Well, if that's the case, I don't care, I still want my pearl earrings. Regardless of its size, it gives any casual clothing a formal touch. Being elegant without overdoing it.

4. Stars
I have a very weird interest with stars. I really do not know why. Maybe I am just engrossed with stories about it, the one about shooting stars, and stuff.

5. Violin
I am a frustrated virtuoso. I used to play this wooden instrument but i finally gave up on it. Aside from the time constraints that i have in juggling both my academic and co-curricular activities, this instrument entails a lot of practice. By brushing the bow on the strings of this instrument, I get to listen to priceless music. The music brought by the violin is very soothing. Veering away from its beauty, this instrument makes my neck hurt like hell. It has been 5 years since the last time I touched a violin but this wouldn't change my perception about it being elegant.

I never said NO to my friends when I NEEDED to

It was a bleak day, the surrounding is damp and you can see from the faces of the students that they would rather spend the day in bed sleeping instead of attending their classes.

It was a very tiring day for me and my friends because of the requirements that we have to do for our thesis. What a way to spend Monday, isn't it? I am supposed to go home early but then i realized that it's a very cold day and it would be a waste to go home when everyone's in SJ conversing some random stuffs. Yes, I stayed here at Taft until 9PM.

I could have said N-O. But I didn't. At least I had a good time catching up with my friends.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

I never felt this tired in my whole life!!!!!!!!!!!!

THis is the most tiring day of my life!!!!
We just finished doing some pre-final preparations for FTK (refer to my previous post).
I only had 30 mins of sleep from last night. We went to school at 4am to give final touches to the venue and to talk through the certain mechanics together with other marshals.

My back pain, shoulder pain, and leg pain were doubled. I couldn't even walk through the stairs because of the muscle pain. but in the end, all those pains only remind of the good things that we have done to lighten up the burden of children with disabilities, and that is something which money cannot really pay.
In the end, after all our hardworks, we were able to get through the day and the activity was realy good all in all. A lot were able to reach out for children with special needs. At least I am proud to be part of it.

I never knew that coloring the soccer field with white lines is fun

we went to school today in preparation for the FOR-THE-KIDS. It is an annual event brought by COSCA to give the students a chance to mingle with children with disabilities through a mini olympic.

we prepared the soccer field and drew some lines on its soil and grass for the marathon. Since we cannot use permanent paint on it, we just used powder-- i dont really know what the components by which that powder was made of, but i was certain there is some kind of a cement stuff that makes our hair frizzy after too much exposure.

In the end, I earned myself a back pain, leg cramps, and damaged skin after finishing half of the whole soccer field. It was quite an experience :)

Friday, January 15, 2010

I never thought celebrating my birthday is fun!

I don't really know how it feels like to celebrate my real birthday. I was born on January 2, just a day after the New Year's day. Because of that, I was never given the privilege to actually celebrate my birthday on January 2. Nobody sings me a "happy birthday to you" since i was 7 years old. I never received a gift on my actual birthday. My birthday celebration is usually merged with the New Year's eve. Because of that, we don't go outside for another celebration and just eat what's left with the latter. It's very frustrating!!! Try to imagine my agony when nobody gives me a present during my birthday since people usually give those together with my christmas gift! In other words, my birthday is just another day in the calendar, and all that there is to enjoy is the fact that the sun decided to shine.. and nothing else :|

But now, my friends surprised me with a box of donuts and they sang the Birthday song! Though it's a little bit late, at least, they have tried to acknowledge the fact that i HAVE a birthday! I was really happy. My other friend gave me a book entitled "Her Fearful Symmetry", a book I have always wanted to buy but its price can really make you think twice! Oh well! I'm really happy. :)

Thursday, January 14, 2010

I never felt any sweat (eleclit)

This is the day for our cardigans and long lost jackets to be used again. I never thought I can still wear my black cardigan, aside from the fact that Philippines is a tropical country, cardigans are not for a daily clothing.

The only regret that i had today is the thought that i could have worn a different type of outfit. I could have tried wearing my most forsaken thick clothes that were given to me by my relatives who flocked away from United States just to give me those clothes which i don't have any idea as to where i can wear them. We can never tell, maybe after this day we wouldn't experience winter wonderland again and go back to the 562362374282 degree Celsius temperature. sigh :|

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

I never thought reminiscing would be fun (eleclit)

We were eating lunch in KFC when suddenly me and my friends jump into a senseless conversation. We started talking about how our college life has been so fast, blah blah, blah... we suddenly realized that 2 years have gone by. And after this term, we will be graduating ( i hope, thesis, oh thesis).

It's really fun to reminisce. If we are going to judge which year is the best, well, we arrived at a consensus that our last year is so far the best year. During our frosh years we really do not care about anything but "recess","class dismissal" and going home "early" as in, after the bell rang we would pack our things up and ride the fastest transpo that we can lay our eyes on and straight off to our most beloved houses. Second year is the year for... well honestly, this year does not make much impact on me. Yes, really. The only thing fun in this year is our freedom from our block!!! With all the dramas and the "i-will-miss-you-guys-after-we-are-deblocked" farewells, all of those are just nothing but.. nothing, just nothing. Who would ever want to be stocked in a block without the freedom of making your own sched? Who would want to be looked down by higher batches? Who would want to receive a sarcastic response when upperclassmen hear the word "frosh"? Oh well, the thing I am most thankful for during this year is the fact that I am not a frosh anymore! HAHA! My last year, which is third year, is so far the best. I gained a lot of friends, been in a lot of petty fights (yeah, so high school) and most importantly, we knew how to balnace"social life", "org life", and "academic life". And of course, we knew how it feels like to die with a slow and painful death---I am not talking about suicide, I'm talking about THESIS, though honestly, the two sounds the same to me. Ohhhh I love being nostalgic.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

I never loved eating bananas not until today

If I would be described using Snow White's Seven Dwarfs, my friends would most probably identify me as Bashful, not because I am timid or shy, but because I blush a lot and it's something I couldn't really avoid.

I used to love the idea of blushing, not everyone is capable of having rosy cheeks without putting too much make-up.And trying to think of it, this one is natural! But after realizing how much I blush everyday, I learned to hate it. I blush profusely during class recitations, when i get nervous, when i get surprised, when i get embarrassed--or in other words, when my heartbeat raises from its normal state to almost crazy phase. My friends could actually tell what i feel because they can see it through my face. They say my face looks like an over-ripe tomato. The privilege of hiding my emotions--one of the perks that the homo sapiens are capable of doing--does not really apply in my case. The sense of privacy is jeopardized. Anyone can read my face, I cannot be mysterious because everyone can see how i feel with just a split second!

Because of that, I have decided to eat bananas. Yes, bananas!! This wonderful fruit contains potassium that can regulate the heartbeat and can reduce stress. It contains "something" (which name really escapes me)that uplifts the mood of a person causing him/her to feel happy. Because of that, I started and ended my day eating bananas while walking along the long stretch of SJ walk. Good thing Z2 is selling loads of bananas either turon or just banana.

Now, when a person or event that suddenly poofs out toward my direction that might cause my heart to beat gazillion times, I would be armed with a banana to regulate my heartbeat instantly! Sounds silly, but who cares? Eating bananas while walking is actually fun.


About Me

Paranaque, Philippines