Thursday, January 21, 2010

Things that should be big

Do you ever feel puzzled on why some things are presented in small packages? That's what I always feel while eating my favorite food, typing on my laptop, walking in SJ walk, or even riding the train!

Why? I will take you to the world of small things. If given a chance to alter history, I would influence its inventors to build the object with the same purpose, only with a bigger size!

1. Burger Mcdo
I love fastfoods but the same as my desire to avoid it, my cravings for its food just lead me far from abstinence. Burgers, I love burgers. I always wish for a time machine to go back to time when Hamburgers are still on the process of being invented. Its inventor could have used a pizza crust instead of an ordinary bun. By that, you can share burgers with everyone.

2. Laptop
I wish my laptop is bigger. I am not blaming ACER for inventing a handy-dandy notebook laptop. Maybe i should blame my parents for buying me a small one? right? No? I guess NO. I used to love small things but why should I limit myself in small packages when I can have a whole lot more in bigger-size varieties!! Oh I love utilitarianism.

3. SJ walk
SJ walk should be wider and bigger. SJ walk is like a Starbucks coffee shop with no vacant seats. Sometimes students would stay there for the whole day as if they have rented it for an overnight stay. Some are even territorial, it's like they have imprinted their royal badges under its tables and anyone sitting there who doesn't belong in the circle should be subjected to a firing squad. Where is equality there? If SJ walk would be as big as the soccer field, a lot of students would be happy "spotting" their crushes. Then it wouldn't be called SJ walk.. it could be SJ Field!!!

4. Keys
Keys should be bigger. Just imagine how many keys i have misplaced in my entire existence!! I don't blame myself for that, I blame the keys! Why on earth would they be very small knowing the fact that they are bloody important!!! Yeah, I know, that's the lamest excuse that you have heard coming from a careless person. Why blame the keys? They are just bunch of abiotic objects :|

5. Medals
I have received medals in my whole academic years, and the moment you receive those is a total bliss. But medals have been so overlooked. Anywhere you can find someone doing a replica of it. Where's the sense of achievement when you can buy something that other people have worked hard for? Besides, medals are like over-sized coins, not much appealing to the eyes. If i can make it bigger the same with the size of a plate, everyone would be delighted. You can vividly see and feel the weight of the fruits of thy labor.

6. President
OK, you can call me sarcastic. Well, it's my blog anyway. Kidding aside, i think the president should be of a tall stature. It gives him/her the sense of authority. Here in the Philippines there is a famous action (which is not yet sanctioned into a formal quotation), if you can't beat them, just insult them. Well, if a president has a taller stature, she could have spared herself from the numerous textjokes pertaining to her height. Well, ok. I have to admit it, the bottomline of this number is to say how much I am excited to see her step down from her beloved throne. That's why let us all guard our ballots!(OK, enough of the politics)

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Paranaque, Philippines